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A Tale Of Two Simple Account Takeover

Dipak Kumar Das

Hi everyone, so a few months ago I got the invite from a Hackerone private program, the program has huge scope. So I started my recon process. Found a subdomain let say (As it a private program so we will be using instead of the original domain)

I found 2 account takeover on the same subdomain using 2 different endpoint

  • Account Takeover Using Password Reset Functionality 
  • Account Takeover Using Privilege Escalation  And IDOR 
 So let's start

Account Takeover Using Password Reset Functionality

So basically user initiated a password reset
after that, the password reset token looks like below

so as you can see the id parameter value is base64 encoded  

so I decoded the id parameter value and I got  d e e p a k d a s 2 8 8 @ g m a i l . c o m

so the id parameter was endcode with user email with one white space in between every character, so got the account takeover, validate the same with another email its worked like a charm

 Account Takeover Using Privilege Escalation  And IDOR 

 After the first issue resolved again I dig the subdomain for more critical issue 

so as you can see there one directory called admin so I started directory brute forcing
I found one file called /admin/abmhcpuser.aspx  with 200 OK status code  

by browsing the URL I got this

I was expecting to get the whole user but I saw there I can edit my own profile only 😥😥

so I decided to check the edit functionality for IDOR
So I changed the parameter value to my test account email and provided a new password in password parameter and forwarded the request, got 200 OK

edited my own profile captured the request found 2 parameter $wHCPUser$txtMedicEmail= and

$wHCPUser$txtUserName= the value was user email id, by default, the username set by the application was the user email id which you can't change
So I changed the parameter value to my test account email and provided a new password in password parameter and forwarded the request, got 200 OK
tried with the new password to login to my test account and I  successfully logged in, I was like

Got some good bounty  and bonus
Thanks for reading, any suggestion feedback are welcome

تعليق واحد

  1. nyc write-up brother.
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