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How I Hacked Invision Projects

Dipak Kumar Das
Hi guys This bug is a simple sensitive Information Disclosure so lets start 

So in invision there is functionality where a user can share a project with password protection  via a link

so here the password was disclosed to other user who have the link only so he/she can access the project without having the password 
so if you open the link its look like this 

I tried to bypass this password authentication but failed 

so you are still thinking where the password disclosed ? the image below can give you hint

 yes you are right its cookie

so suppose i got this share project link

and the user set the password to :dipak

so how i retrieved the password  , just open the link in browser export the cookie of the page (use any cookie manager addon/extension)
so here is the cookies 

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so mark this cookie
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"value": "deepak",
"id": 16

VALIDATION_Z84OCVFKJ varies project to project  but the value parameter hold the password :deepak

so now i got the password of that project from cookies and the authentication bypassed successfully

Reported- Oct 26th 2015
Fixed- Jun 9th 2016
Rewarded- Jun 9th 2016

Thanks for reading 

Feedback and comments are welcome  

7 تعليقات

  1. Asswm :)
    1. Thanks :)
  2. nice work bro
  3. Awesome writeup mate (Y)
  4. Cool Bro. Thanks for Sharing
  5. Himanshu
    أزال المؤلف هذا التعليق.
  6. Desperation hit me and i couldnt take it no more,because I was getting sick and irritated of my husband looking at me in the eye and lying to my face that he wasnt cheating and I was ready to do anything it took to get facts and proof....
    Told my best friend who linked me with this lifesaver CYBERHACKTON @GMAIL dot COM who provided all I was looking for, long ass nasty messages,bank statements,incoming and outgoing messages,emails,web browsing history,call logs,instant messengers,GPS location,photos and videos,and tapping into his phone conversations by hacking his phone, without him suspecting a thing because he is a smart ass but I'm glad with the help of CYBERHACKTON@GMAIL.COM I was able to dissolve and end this marriage.I had my doubts at first but now I'm glad I did...Told him I was gonna tell people about him and help men and women like myself. He is a genius, trust me. Just tell him I referred you to him and thank me later
  • A-
  • A+

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