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Self -Xss to Stored Xss On Zendesk

Dipak Kumar Das
Here before the poc i want to say that , i just implement the functionality of the site to lead self xss to stored one


  1. go to and under account information put payload in organization filed payload : <script>alert(1)</script>
  2. Here Its an self-xss right ?
  3. Now i am going to explain how i made it a stored one
  4. After this Zendesk Team marked It as N/A
  5. Then i remember that there is a autocomplte on on that organization filed 
  6. Then I Fired my Burp and capture the request made  that form  then i saw is making request of organization from the db (all types organization are already saved in db, which you used before )
  7. So as i previously saved the organization name as <script>alert(1)</script> i started typing from <script and the
    autocomplete.json?name= make request to db to retive the organization name started with <script then the payload executed

Then i made video poc and sent to Zendesk and report reopened and fix and finally bounty $$


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